SPEDSTA Awarded Commendation by City of San Diego for Helping to Solve the Senior Transportation Challenge

As Seniors move into their later years the question of the right types of transportation to suit their lifestyle becomes a question not only for the Senior but also for family members. In the ideal case, when the elderly parent loses their license due to physical impairment, affordability or by choice family members can pick up the task of transportation. Unfortunately for most people, geographic separation of family members and elderly parents is now a common norm where this type of support is not convenient. Aging Expert Judi Bonilla recently explored these challenges at a series of workshops in San Diego and gave guidance on what options exist for Seniors and family members as part of the first 2015 National Older Driver Awareness Week in San Diego.
As part of the wrap-up of the week, City of San Diego Councilmember Marti Emerald presented a special commendation to SPEDSTA for their support of the week’s activities. “SPEDSTA was proud to be part of this effort. It takes a holistic approach to solve the challenges of Senior Transportation and we are delighted to be able to contribute our knowledge on how technology and Mobile Apps could help this problem to better connect Seniors with available transportation options” says Harsh Wanigaratne, VP at SPEDSTA.
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