How to Ensure 24/7 Communication with Spedsta’s After-Hours Voicemail Feature

Hello, I’m here to introduce you to our digital phone service feature available on SPEDSTA. This tool is designed to ensure continuous communication with your clients and drivers, operating seamlessly 24/7. If you have this feature enabled, managing your phone dispatch settings is straightforward. Click HERE for a video walk through.
Within the system, there are several settings, but I want to focus on the voicemail functionality. When someone calls your dispatch number and can’t reach anyone, the call will be redirected to a pre-set voicemail. This is crucial for maintaining communication outside of regular business hours or when your dispatchers are unavailable.
Messages left at this number are not only recorded but also transcribed, ensuring that you never miss important details. Both the audio and its transcription are then sent via email to the designated dispatchers and admins. This allows you to stay on top of requests from drivers, passengers, and staff at any time, providing a reliable way to respond promptly.
Staying connected is key in our industry, and with SPEDSTA’s digital phone service, you can ensure that your operations never skip a beat. Thank you for considering SPEDSTA for your communication needs.
Ready to unlock the potential of smarter transportation planning? Book your demo now and explore how our scheduling software can elevate your operations.
Mike is a seasoned transportation consultant and technology advocate. Drawing from years of experience in the transportation industry, Mike bridges the gap between innovative software solutions and practical implementation strategies. His articles focus on the transformative power of software for organizations that deliver transportation options for the elderly, special needs and disabled communities. Outside his writing endeavors, Mike enjoys exploring the landscapes of Costa Rica and advocating for sustainable transportation initiatives.
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